McCann adopts liberal Mario Cuomo's position on abortion

Candidate John McCann recently sent out one of the most dishonest letters in the recent history of the GOP in New Jersey.  This is the same guy who said he was running for Congress because Senator Gerry Cardinale and Scott Garrett were too conservative

McCann is the same guy who throughout his political career claimed to follow the policies and politics of liberal U.S. Senator Arlen Specter.  The same guy whose boss -- Democrat Sheriff Michael Saudino -- campaigned for re-election on a ticket headed by Hillary Clinton. 

In McCann's undated, mass-produced letter, he appealed for support by using the cheap lawyer's device of parsing words so that they, on closer inspection, mean the opposite of what they appear to mean on first reading.  In other words, McCann tries to pull the wool over the eyes of the reader.

For instance, McCann writes:  "I am personally pro-life". 

This is the exact language used by liberal pro-abortionist Mario Cuomo, the former Democrat Governor of New York, and it's become known as  the "personally opposed, but" position on abortion.  As everyone who is Pro-Life knows, this is the pro-abortion position used by dishonest politicians trying to have it both ways.  Bill Clinton used it.  So did the Democrat running against Senator Steve Oroho last year in LD24.  It is total b.s.

And like Cuomo did in his famous speech at Notre Dame in 1984 -- "the Catholic Church is my spiritual home" -- John McCann references his Catholic faith in an attempt to appeal to those he will be voting against, should he ever hold elected office.  McCann is just a less eloquent version of Cuomo -- a less pretty veneer trying to cover over the same liberal crap.

When McCann attended a recent fundraiser hosted by the Skylands Victory PAC, he stunned those present with a weird talk about how his wife -- an ob-gyn doctor in New York City -- did not perform "late-term abortions."  What???

Why would a candidate running in a Republican primary in the Pro-Life 5th District even bring that up?  But there he was, assuring everyone present of that distinction.  Did McCann take temporary leave of his senses, or did someone coach him to say it? 

It's time for John McCann and his crew to just be honest about where they stand and stop playing bait-and-switch lawyer games. 

"Stumbling John" McCann tries to b.s. the Sussex GOP

There is something strange about "Stumbling John" McCann and the shambolic sideshow he calls his campaign.  A few weeks ago, he visited Sussex County to attend a fundraiser hosted by the Skylands Victory PAC.  At that event, he stunned those present with a weird talk about how his wife -- an ob-gyn doctor in New York City -- did not perform "late-term abortions."  What???

Why would a candidate running in a Republican primary in Pro-Life Sussex County even bring that up?  But there he was, assuring everyone present of that distinction.  Did McCann take temporary leave of his senses, or did someone coach him to say it? 

Last night McCann was back in Sussex County, at the GOP county committee's final meeting of the year, and once again he couldn't keep it together.  In contrast to the others present, McCann attacked his fellow Republicans, played the arrogant  bully, and made a general nuisance of himself -- speaking so long that he had to be asked to stop.

And what did "Stumbling John" McCann talk about?  He talked about how great "Stumbling John" McCann was.  Hey, it's the holiday season and we all encounter buttholes like this at work parties and such, going on and on and on about their favorite subject... which is them.

McCann used the Sussex GOP to further embellish his tall tale about how he killed the Clinton Healthcare Plan.  Apparently forgetting what his own campaign biography states, McCann claimed to have been called on by the Wharton School to save healthcare.  That's not what he wrote in his bio.  Memo to McCann:  If you are going to b.s. -- at least be consistent.

The truth is a lot less than the story McCann makes from it.  McCann was a college intern in liberal Senator Arlen Specter's office.  At the direction of his superiors, John McCann claims to have made a graph.  That's right.  A graph.  And just like the typical self-important, overblown junior academic, he takes credit for the hard work of all those Senators and Congressman and Rush Limbaugh and talk radio and the medical professionals and all those thousands of conservative activists and all the reams of studies and research and opinion pieces and thousands of graphs of all those conservative and libertarian think tanks -- not to mention the Republican legal staffs of both the House and the Senate.  No mention of all them... it was "me" says McCann.  "Me and my graph... saved not just New Jersey... but America!"  Yeah, sounds like he gazed into that mirror a bit too long.

McCann followed up this hooey with the claim that, in 1995, he was the first to propose a 2% tax cap on property taxes in New Jersey.  McCann claims he got the idea from reading about Proposition 2 1/2 in Massachusetts and Proposition 13 in California.  Now here is where his b.s. breaks down entirely.

Leaving aside the fact that John McCann was never in a position to actually propose anything (he didn't hold the necessary public office), consider this...

Proposition 2 1/2 was passed in Massachusetts in 1980 and went into effect in 1982. 

Proposition 13 was passed in California in 1978 and went into effect immediately.

And John McCann wants us to believe that in all those years between 1978 and 1995, nobody (let's say that again) nobody had the idea to try it in New Jersey???

In fact, there were a plethora of newspaper stories discussing proposed caps in New Jersey as low as 1 1/2 percent nearly a decade before McCann claims to have thought of it.  There was even a ballot question on the issue in Bergen County. 

This guy is too sloppy, too angry and thin-skinned to be a real candidate.  That's why so many people think he's been put up by the Democrats to screw with the Republican primary.  As the Bergen County Record noted recently, McCann is the longtime right-hand man to Democrat Sheriff Michael Saudino. 

McCann's boss Saudino was on Hillary Clinton's Democrat ticket against the Republican ticket headed by Donald Trump in 2016.  The same ticket Josh Gottheimer was on.  That's too close for comfort in anyone's book.