McCann has $6k to Gottheimer’s $4.5 MILLION Record has reported that Republican John McCann has a little over $6,000 in his congressional campaign  account to the more than $4,500,000 amassed by Democrat incumbent Josh Gottheimer.  According to Record, Gottheimer has broken the record for money raised in a quarter:

“Freshman Rep. Josh Gottheimer's campaign said Thursday that he raised more than $1.5 million from April to June, a total that sets a record for a New Jersey House candidate and exceeds what some U.S. Senate candidates are raising.

Gottheimer, D-Wyckoff, had $4.5 million left in his account on June 30, his campaign said. That compares with less than $6,500 in cash on hand reported Thursday by his opponent, attorney John McCann of Oakland, who also had $55,000 in debts to consultants and vendors.

The previous New Jersey House record appears to be the $1.1 million set in the first quarter of this year by Democrat Mikie Sherrill of Montclair, who is battling Assemblyman Jay Webber for the open seat in North Jersey's 11th District, where Republican Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen is retiring. Sherrill has not yet disclosed her second-quarter receipts, which have to be filed at the Federal Election Commission by Sunday night.” Record continues:

“Since the 2016 election, Gottheimer has raised nearly $5.3 million. 

McCann beat former Bogota Mayor Steve Lonegan by about 6 percentage points in the June 5 primary, but he appears to have done little fundraising since then. A disclosure he filed Thursday shows just seven contributions after the primary, totaling $5,468. He put $204,000 of his own money in the campaign on May 22, bringing his total personal loans to almost $329,000.”

Now this next sentence should strike terror into the hearts of every Republican in New Jersey.  This is what every Republican should be worried about – congressional challengers, incumbent members of Congress, county and local candidates, and Assembly candidates next year

“If Gottheimer does not spend what he raises for his re-election this year, he can roll it over for future campaigns or contribute it to other candidates.” 

You can read the full article here…