A.O.C. and Cory Booker would get A+’s from AFP

Did you catch AFP’s latest score card?  The one where every far-left Democrat in the state got rewarded with an “A” or “A+” because they supported AFP’s crazy ideas about going soft on crime in America? 

It’s official.  Americans for Prosperity has left the building.  AFP has walked away from American conservatism and has become a hodgepodge of fashion statements pumped out of the bunghole of Koch Petroleum. 

Relentlessly anti-working man/woman and anti-Trump, AFP now seeks to join the most far-left Democrat Socialists to reward criminal behavior, empower convicts at the ballot box, and roll back the clock on the Reagan-era tough-on-crime prescriptions that have driven down the crime rate across America.  AFP wants to ignore the facts, when the facts are clear:

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AFP wants to screw up what’s worked and turn that ship around.  In a few years or so, we can all look forward to a return to the crime rates of the past that AFP now appears to forget.  Once upon a time, before Rudy Giuliani, when they made movies like “Death Wish” to dramatize the terror that stalked American streets. 

Strap yourself in boys and girls… for the Great Re-Learning!

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The people who run Koch Petroleum operate AFP as a lobbying unit of their globalist business empire.  Once-upon-a-time the Koch operation included the Libertarian Party.  One of the Koch brothers even ran for Vice President – against the ticket of Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush – on a platform that included the legalization of all forms of drug use and prostitution, as well as removing the legal protections for children, making them no different from consenting adults. 

The Kochs tried to take over the Republican Party… to remake it in their own image.  Failing that, they opposed the candidacy of President Donald Trump and continue to do so.  Now they are doing what so many “woke” corporations have done, adopting a fashion-statement issue in order to curry favor with the liberal establishment, to shield their corporate excesses from scrutiny.  They are hoping that people see the “good” they are doing in promoting a pro-criminal agenda and lay-off them when their petroleum centered business gets itself in trouble again.

So now you know why so many far-left Democrat Socialists have picked-up scores of “A” and “A+” from Americans for Prosperity’s latest score card.

Sabrin for Senate to start ad campaign next week

We've noticed a lot of movement in  the camp of Libertarian U.S. Senate candidate Dr. Murray Sabrin.  The candidate, a professor of finance in the Anisfield School of Business at Ramapo College, indicated yesterday that the campaign's first radio ads should be airing next week. 

The Sabrin campaign is running on a platform that features the following: "100% tax credit for donations to houses of worship and nonprofits; end trickle down welfarism; abolish corporate welfare; end undeclared wars; stop the Fed's manipulation of interest rates; stop domestic spying."

Professor Sabrin recently wrote:  "I have been meeting voters throughout the state collecting signature with volunteers.  The issue that is resonating with voters across the political spectrum, 100% tax credit for donations to nonprofits and houses of worship." 

Dr. Sabrin offered this brief history lesson on the subject, by Dr. Walter E. Williams, the John M. Olin distinguished professor of economics at George Mason University, and a nationally syndicated columnist:

"Before the massive growth of our welfare state, private charity was the sole option for an individual or family facing insurmountable financial difficulties or other challenges. How do we know that?  There is no history of Americans dying on the streets because they could not find food or basic medical assistance. Respecting the biblical commandment to honor thy father and mother, children took care of their elderly or infirm parents. Family members and the local church also helped those who had fallen on hard times."

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The Sabrin campaign recently released this video...


Murray Sabrin, Ph.D.

Libertarian Party US Senate nominee
