Asian man loses job because his name is "Robert Lee"

Justice is dead in America and the insanity of wealthy, politically-correct liberals is on the march.  Sports channel ESPN says it has pulled an Asian announcer from a game at the University of Virginia for having the same name as Confederate general Robert E. Lee.  "Lee" is the second most popular last name in Korea (behind "Kim" and ahead of "Park"), so does this move by a top media organization indicate a certain cultural bias in its judgment or just plain stupidity?  Some would argue that it is just another incidence of liberals being racist. 

Robert Lee.jpg

Journalist Victor Morton , of the Washington Times, wrote:

"Apparently, even being Asian doesn’t mean people won’t take you for being a white nationalist.

ESPN confirmed Tuesday night that it had decided to pull an announcer from calling a University of Virginia football game because his name is Robert Lee. This Robert Lee is Asian.

'We collectively made the decision with Robert to switch games as the tragic events in Charlottesville were unfolding, simply because of the coincidence of his name. In that moment, it felt right to all parties,' reads the ESPN statement posted at the popular Fox Sports college-football blog Outkick the Coverage.

'Did I mention that Robert Lee is Asian?' wrote disbelieving blogger Clay Travis, who first broke the story, citing 'multiple Outkick fans inside ESPN.'

Mr. Lee had been scheduled to call the Cavaliers Sept. 2 game in Charlottesville against William and Mary.

'It’s a shame that this is even a topic of conversation and we regret that who calls play by play for a football game has become an issue,' ESPN said in its statement.

That wasn’t the 'shame' Mr. Travis had in mind, ridiculing the sports-network leviathan for political correctness, calling it 'MSESPN.'

'They were concerned that having an ASIAN FOOTBALL ANNOUNCER NAMED ROBERT LEE would be offensive to some viewers,' he wrote.

The fatal violence in Charlottesville earlier this month grew out of a white-nationalist and neo-Nazi march in favor of keeping up a statue of Robert E. Lee — 'the Confederate General who died in 1870 and shares a name with' the ESPN announcer, Mr. Travis helpfully explained.

'Is there anything more pathetic than ESPN believing people would be offended by an Asian guy named Robert Lee sharing a name with Robert E. Lee and calling a football game? Aside from some hysterical photoshops and Internet memes which would make everyone with a functional brain laugh — Robert E. Lee pulling out all the stops to stay in Charlottesville now! — what was the big fear here? Does ESPN really believe people are this dumb or that having an Asian announcer named Robert Lee is too offensive for the average TV viewer to handle?' Mr. Travis asked rhetorically.

'Yes, yes they do,' he answered."

This is just another indication that the Democrat Party is the face of the establishment in America today, just as it was the face of the establishment in pro-slavery America.  It appears that the public relations departments of every major corporation in America are stocked with former Democrat campaign operatives mouthing politically-correct platitudes that often, as in this case, make no sense at all.  So not only do the Democrats control the media, the entertainment industry (aka "the ministry of propaganda"), academia, and the permanent bureaucracy -- the Democrats control most of the big corporations as well.  No wonder the true Left, the real Left, has stopped calling Democrats "leftists" and insist that they are merely "corporate Democrats of the faux Left."

Think of Phil Murphy, Democrat candidate for Governor.  It costs more to remodel his shithouse than it costs to build a working class home in New Jersey.  Or Democrat candidate for Assembly Kate Matteson, who wears a pink pussy cat hat -- oh so "faux revolutionary" -- to accent a $600 pair of high heels.  These people are fake, they are phonies.  We are witnessing what Marxist philosopher Guy Debord called:  "The Society of the Spectacle."

To be continued...

Democrat Wisniewski attacked Sussex senior's religion

On Wednesday, Assemblyman John Wisniewski joined Democrat candidates Kate Matteson and Gina Trish at the former Camp Nordland in Andover Township, New Jersey.  This is the same John Wisniewski who, as chairman of the State Democrat Party, attacked the religious beliefs of a Sussex County senior citizen and Tea Party activist.

At the time, Wisniewski held three offices (Assemblyman, Deputy Speaker, and State Democrat Chairman) and it was as the holder of these high offices that he stooped to attack the religious beliefs of a citizen activist.  According to the Bergen Record (May 24, 2010), Wisniewski even directed the Democrat State Committee to set up a website devoted to attacking citizen activists who disagreed with the Democrat Party.

At the time, Wisniewski was defending the reputation of United States Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ), currently under federal indictment and awaiting trial on corruption charges.  The Sussex senior was part of a recall effort aimed at Senator Menendez. 

Wisniewski accused the Sussex senior of racism and attacked her religious beliefs regarding evolution.  Her faith led her in the direction of creationism, just as Wisniewski's faith leads him in the direction of transubstantiation.  Both are difficult concepts for some scientists to come to terms with -- and yet are articles of faith for many believers. 

The Star-Ledger, Bergen Record, Herald-News, Gannett newspapers, and blogs like Blue Jersey extensively reported on Wisniewski's actions.  Now back to the venue chosen for Wednesday night's gathering.

We recently had correspondence from a reader who drew our attention to the fact that it was a member of the local political establishment back in the 1930's, Newton lawyer William Dolan, who handled the land transaction that granted that American Nazi group control of the land that became Camp Nordland.  Mr. Dolan was then the sitting State Senator of Sussex County, a Democrat, at a time when each county had one state senator. 

According to a scholar at the University of Michigan, " New Jersey Congressman J. Parnell Thomas, Republican of Sussex, noted that New Jersey State Senator William Dolan, a Democrat, had aided the Bund in buying Nordland and that the Democratic Township Committee of Andover had granted Nordland a liquor license." 

According to historian and author Warren Grover, Camp Nordland in Andover Township was incorporated in March 1937.  Fritz Kuhn, the American Fuehrer himself, was one of the eight trustees of Camp Nordland.  When the camp formally opened in July, State Senator Dolan was introduced by the American Nazi Bund's New Jersey Bundesleiter, and he greeted the "swastika waving" crowds. 

Dolan was a political enemy of Franklin's Alfred "Bike" Littell, who went on to take his place as State Senator and to serve as Senate President.  Littell, whose education at Princeton University had been interrupted for service in an artillery regiment in World War I, went to war with the American Nazis.   Alfred Littell was the father of Senator Bob Littell, father-in-law of NJ Republican Party Chairwoman Virginia Littell, and the grandfather of Assemblywoman Alison Littell McHose.

Wikipedia notes:  "Camp Nordland was a 204-acre resort facility located in Andover Township, New Jersey. From 1937 to 1941, this site was owned and operated by the German American Bund, which sympathized with and propagandized for Nazi Germany in the United States. This resort camp was opened by the Bund on 18 July 1937.  In the years before the Second World War, the Bund held events at the facility to encourage pro-German, pro-Nazi values—many of these events attracting over 10,000 visitors. On 18 August 1940, it was the site of a joint rally with the Ku Klux Klan...  While much of its history and notoriety has faded over the last 70 years, many local residents of Sussex County still refer to the area as the 'bund camp.'"

Here is a short video that provides something of a history lesson for Assemblyman Wisniewski and the Democrats:

The writer Sinclair Lewis published a satirical novel in 1935 called, It Can't Happen Here, two years before it did happen here -- right here, in Andover Township, New Jersey.  It is high time for the Township to acknowledge that history -- as a warning against an ideology that sent so many millions to their deaths.

That's one heck of a venue for Assemblyman Wisniewski and the Democrats' to choose.  Especially given their party's history in establishing the camp.

Maybe the Assemblyman can propose a resolution to memorialize what happened in New Jersey and the attempt here to normalize Nazism?  Lest we forget...

Assemblyman Wisniewski to speak at former Nazi camp

Assemblyman John Wisniewski will be joining Democrat candidates Kate Matteson and Gina Trish tonight (at 6:30) at the former Camp Nordland in Andover Township, New Jersey.  The event will be held in one of the buildings that housed the National Socialist Bund in the 1930's and 40's. 

We recently had correspondence from a reader who drew our attention to the fact that it was a member of the local political establishment back in the 1930's, Newton lawyer William Dolan, who handled the land transaction that granted that American Nazi group control of the land that became Camp Nordland.  Mr. Dolan was then the sitting State Senator of Sussex County, a Democrat, at a time when each county had one state senator. 

Camp Nordland 2.jpg

According to a scholar at the University of Michigan, " New Jersey Congressman J. Parnell Thomas, Republican of Sussex, noted that New Jersey State Senator William Dolan, a Democrat, had aided the Bund in buying Nordland and that the Democratic Township Committee of Andover had granted Nordland a liquor license." 

According to historian and author Warren Grover, Camp Nordland in Andover Township was incorporated in March 1937.  Fritz Kuhn, the American Fuehrer himself, was one of the eight trustees of Camp Nordland.  When the camp formally opened in July, State Senator Dolan was introduced by the American Nazi Bund's New Jersey Bundesleiter, and he greeted the "swastika waving" crowds.  

camp nordland 7.png

Dolan was a political enemy of Franklin's Alfred "Bike" Littell, who went on to take his place as State Senator and to serve as Senate President.  Littell, whose education at Princeton University had been interrupted for service in an artillery regiment in World War I, went to war with the American Nazis.   Alfred Littell was the father of Senator Bob Littell, father-in-law of NJ Republican Party Chairwoman Virginia Littell, and the grandfather of Assemblywoman Alison Littell McHose.

Wikipedia notes:  "Camp Nordland was a 204-acre resort facility located in Andover Township, New Jersey. From 1937 to 1941, this site was owned and operated by the German American Bund, which sympathized with and propagandized for Nazi Germany in the United States. This resort camp was opened by the Bund on 18 July 1937.  In the years before the Second World War, the Bund held events at the facility to encourage pro-German, pro-Nazi values—many of these events attracting over 10,000 visitors. On 18 August 1940, it was the site of a joint rally with the Ku Klux Klan...  While much of its history and notoriety has faded over the last 70 years, many local residents of Sussex County still refer to the area as the 'bund camp.'"

Here is a short video that provides something of a history lesson for Assemblyman Wisniewski and the Democrats:

The writer Sinclair Lewis published a satirical novel in 1935 called, It Can't Happen Here, two years before it did happen here -- right here, in Andover Township, New Jersey.  It is high time for the Township to acknowledge that history -- as a warning against an ideology that sent so many millions to their deaths.

That's one heck of a venue for Assemblyman Wisniewski and the Democrats' to choose.  Especially given their party's history in establishing the camp.

We thought the Assemblyman was smarter than that.