Sumter insults South Asian history in attack on Singh

Yesterday, New Jersey Democrat State Committee Chairman John Currie went on InsiderNJ to complain about the election process that Democrat Phil Murphy imposed on New Jersey. Yes, it is taking very long to count the votes here and in other states across America. That is not the fault of those who did not want this process. It was imposed on us.

Heck, Currie runs the Board of Elections in Passaic County and they aren’t done their vote count yet… so what’s the man hollering about?

Currie suggested that Republicans concede, even as another congressional seat flipped to Republican in New York City, and Tom Kean Jr. inches ever closer to victory in New Jersey. We can understand Chairman Currie’s fears. The prognosticator’s “blue wave” has turned into a trickle of piss running down their legs. They got it wrong. Don’t blame us.

Chairman Currie suggested that gubernatorial candidates in New Jersey – specifically Republicans – comment on the voting processes of other states and lobby for them to stop their vote counts as well. Of course, this would be highly inappropriate, not to mention, irrational.

Perhaps Chairman Currie should focus on something closer to home – like all those nursing home and veterans' home deaths his party wants to shove under the rug. Currie should be challenged to call for an investigation into how irresponsible COVID mandates by the Murphy administration led all those blessed souls to die.

In response to Chairman Currie’s rather silly request (and deflection from the real issue at hand – COVID deaths at nursing and veterans’ homes), GOP gubernatorial candidate Hirsh Singh stepped up and responded. Late yesterday afternoon, he wrote:

“I too have a message for John Currie: As part of the Democrat Party, you are part of a plantation that treats you like a slave. Joe Biden called you and all other black Americans as dirty and inarticulate when he claimed that Obama was the first clean and articulate black. Hillary Clinton claims that all black children are superpredators who need to be brought to heel. The Democrat Party is the party of the Ku Klux Klan. Right now, look at how they are stealing the election from John James, a US Senate Candidate, in Michigan. I urge you to quit it and walk away from it. We will welcome you into the Republican Party as long as you leave your Democrat values behind and embrace American values.”

A few hours later, responding to Singh, Democrat Assemblywoman Shavonda Sumter wrote:

Assemblywoman shavonta sumter - nj

Assemblywoman shavonta sumter - nj

“To dare to spit hate venom and the use of the plantation terminology in reference to Chairman John Currie is offensive and beyond ignorant and disrespectful of the Black Slave injustice here in the US.”


History must not be Shavonda Sumter’s strong point. To suggest that someone whose ancestry is rooted in the Indian subcontinent, the former “Jewel in the Crown” of the British Empire, whose sons and daughters were sent to the four corners of the globe to work on plantations, cannot use the term “plantation” because the use of it is exclusive to “Black Slave injustice here in the US” – well, that is just stupid. Plain stupid. There’s no other word for it.

Assemblywoman Sumter should try reading a book sometime. Take Trinidad, for example, where the British instituted a system of indentureship to provide plantation labor. These indentureships were so exploitative that historians (such as Hugh Tinker) called it “a new system of slavery”.

“Various nationalities were contracted under this system, including Indians, Chinese, and Portuguese. Of these, the East Indians were imported in the largest numbers, starting from 1 May 1845, when 225 Indians were brought in the first shipment to Trinidad on the Fatel Razack, a Muslim-owned vessel. Indentureship of the Indians lasted from 1845 to 1917, during which time more than 147,000 Indians came to Trinidad to work on sugarcane plantations.”

And this was in just one corner of Great Britain’s vast empire. Assemblywoman Sumter is aware, we hope, that there were vast plantations within the Indian subcontinent and Ceylon (modern Sri Lanka). In shear numbers of workers, these outstripped anything happening in the southern United States.

Then, of course, there is the larger issue of proscribing speech in the way that neo-Victorians like Assemblywoman Sumter do. We wonder what Sumter would make of these words by former New York Times reporter and Pulitzer Prize winning author Chris Hedges, a leading thinker of the honest (aka non-corporate, non-political hack) Left. In his 2012 book, Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt, Hedges wrote about poverty and the Democrat machine:

"Poverty is a business. And those who profit most from Camden's poverty are the state's Democratic Party leaders, and New Jersey's most powerful political boss, George E. Norcross III, although he holds no elective office and does not live in Camden."

"Norcross runs Conner Strong & Buckelew, one of the country's largest insurance brokerages. He has collected tens, perhaps hundreds of millions of dollars in governmental work across the state for his insurance firms. His insurance division serves more than half the state's municipalities."

"Norcross, nicknamed 'King George,' lives in the upscale community of Cherry Hill. He is a college dropout. He decides, according to several Camden politicians, who runs for office and who does not, who gets contracts and what projects receive state funds. Norcross influences the language of every state budget and can block or pass legislation. Little is done in South Jersey without his approval. And when the money came to Camden, nearly all of it went to his pet construction projects."

Yes, poverty has been monetized by Democrat Party machines. It is a business not unlike slavery. It has been made so by economic elites like Governor Phil Murphy and machine politicians like George Norcross. This is why they play with titles like “Freeholder”, because that is all they dare to do about slavery. They look back instead of dealing with today. They are about fake issues and taking offence where there is none because it is easier to look into a mirror that way.

Do nothing hypocrites. Shills for the Establishment.

“Dead people vote more often when you make it easier for them to vote.”
— Tucker Carlson on Vote-by-Mail

Democrats piss on Vets… butt kiss traitor Jane Fonda

It figures. But what a way to celebrate last Tuesday!

The servants of corrupt political machines – politicians like Democrat Assemblywoman Britnee Timberlake – have learned to cry “racist” as a way to take the focus off their own bad behavior.  No doubt Timberlake and fellow Democrat Shavonda Sumter will soon be crying “racist” after inviting the infamous traitor and Hollywood One Percenter “Hanoi Jane” Fonda to an event designed to destroy the jobs of thousands of New Jersey workers.

While we have no argument with raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour, swapping a minimal wage plus tips for a totally reportable hourly wage might help the government collect more taxes, but it will leave most tipped workers with less real income than they have now.  We don’t expect members of the political class to understand such working class considerations.  Timberlake pockets a six-figure income from two public jobs, Sumter also earns a nice six figure income, and as for Hanoi Jane – that harridan has spent enough on beauty products to provide hot meals to an average-sized school district for an eternity.

Maybe Timberlake and Sumter are too young and ignorant to know better, but once upon a time, their “hero” Ms. Fonda had these kind thoughts about the members of our military who had been captured by the enemies of America:

Yeah, this really happened and it happened in the lifetimes of people who are still alive today.  This isn’t some historical notion.  But hey, these are the Democrats. This is who they are now.

It doesn’t need to be this way.  The Speaker of the Assembly can say something about it. 

So can the Governor…

So can Navy Pilot Mikie Sherrill…

Or Tom “Him Pretty” Malinowski…

Or Andy “winner of the hot cross bun with bar” Kim…

Come on boys (and Navy Pilot Mikie)… Say Something!

Show us that you are more than garden variety soft-core corporate fashionista lefties.  Show us.  We’d love to believe.

Hey Mikie… here are some of your fellow Navy pilots returning home.  Whose side are you on???  The “HERO” of your fellow Democrats would have had them all shot.

Here is the press release the scumbags put out:

Actress and Political Activist Jane Fonda to join Labor, Community, and Legislative Leaders for Policy Briefing on NJ’s Campaign to Raise Minimum Wage to $15 an Hour

November 14, 2018, 5:20 pm | in

Actress and Political Activist Jane Fonda to join Labor, Community, and Legislative Leaders for Policy Briefing on NJ’s Campaign to Raise Minimum Wage to $15 an Hour

NEWARK– New Jersey Working Families Alliance, Restaurant Opportunities Center Action, Rutgers Center for Women and Work, Rutgers Center for for Innovation in Worker Organizing, and Assemblywomen Shavonda Sumter and Britnee Timberlake will host a breakfast and policy briefing on the campaign to raise New Jersey’s minimum wage to $15 an hour. Joining them will be actress and political activist Jane Fonda, who has been a vocal advocate for One Fair Wage, a campaign to raise the minimum wage for all workers by ending the sub-minimum wage for tipped workers across the United States. The organizations expect to have several community and activist leaders from across the state in attendance.

Legislative leaders have pledged to raise the state’s minimum wage to $15 an hour by the end of 2018 or beginning of 2019. Increasing the minimum wage to $15 an hour will lift up the wages of over 1.2 million New Jersey workers and their families. Recently, Assemblywomen Timberlake and Sumter introduced Assembly bills to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour over the course of 5 years and a bill to eliminate the tipped sub-minimum wage over the course of 8 years. The event is open to the press.

WHAT: Breakfast and Policy Briefing on New Jersey’s Fight for $15 with Jane Fonda

WHEN: Thursday, November 15, 2018, 10am-11:30am

WHERE: Ackerson Hall, Room 101, 180 University Avenue, Newark NJ


Actress and Political Activist Jane Fonda

Assemblywoman Shavonda Sumter

Assemblywoman Britnee Timberlake

Saru Jayaraman, Restaurant Opportunities Center Action

Analilia Mejia, New Jersey Working Families Alliance

Paula Voos, economist and professor at Rutgers School of Management and Labor Relations

Rutgers University Center for Women and Work

Rutgers University Center for Innovation in Worker Organization