Transsexual rape in LGBT toilet

The threat to women and girls by men with access to their toilet facilities was brutally made clear over the weekend when a "transgender woman" (that is, a man who "presents" as a woman or a woman who "presents" as a man) was allegedly raped while using a public toilet.  The crime occurred inside the famous Stonewall Inn -- an LGBT landmark where the "gay rights" movement began back in the 1970's.  The New York Post reported on the incident yesterday:

A transgender woman says she was raped in a unisex bathroom at the Stonewall Inn — and police are searching for the suspect who they say regularly frequents the landmark gay bar.

Video surveillance clearly shows the woman entering the single-occupancy bathroom late Saturday, soon followed by a man believed to be in his 30s, police sources say.

They remained in the bathroom for about eight minutes. That’s when the alleged rape took place, sources said. The suspect exited the bathroom, then walked back in.

The woman, who was believed to be heavily impaired by alcohol and possibly prescription pills, alerted friends and called 911 a short time later, sources said. She was taken to Lenox Hill Hospital for treatment.

Sources said the suspect regularly patronizes the Christopher Street bar on Saturday nights and may have been dealing drugs there.

“People inside the Stonewall know him,” Chief of Detectives Robert Boyce said. “We hope to have him identified in the next coming days.”

Stonewall Inn, site of the Stonewall riots of 1969, is famed as the birthplace of the modern gay rights movement.

“It’s a very disturbing incident taking place in a site that’s very important historically, where something good happened in terms of creating more opportunity for people to live their lives,” Mayor Bill de Blasio said, “and to see a violent incident like this is very troubling.”

The Stonewall Inn is a sacred icon to the LGBT community.  This is like a rape occurring in Independence Hall -- except that the people who run Independence Hall probably would have banned the alleged rapist, who also allegedly deals drugs, from the premises.  But this points up the danger when staff, who are after all more concerned with serving alcoholic beverages, fail to monitor who is being followed into toilet facilities.  Imagine what will happen when fully functioning males, with penises, have the LEGAL RIGHT to follow any woman or girl they want to?  And it will make no difference at all if the man who believes himself to be a woman has a criminal conviction for violent sexual assault, sexual harassment, sexual abuse, rape, or murder.  It will be his right.

Any piece of legislation (like S-283) that proposes such an eventuality, places women and girls at risk of becoming victims of sex crimes.  Such legislation should include a mandate that every public toilet in the state have a panic button installed at every stall and that armed security be present at all facilities of a certain number of stalls or more.  The cost for such should be borne by increased taxes on very rich people like Donald Edward Newhouse (estimated net worth: $10.5 billion), the 2nd richest resident of New Jersey and the 56th richest person in the United States.  Revenue could also be found by taxing corporations like Advance Publications, the 4th largest private company in the NY area and the 44th largest private company in the United States.

Remember, if we prevent just one woman or girl from suffering a criminal sexual assault the increased taxation on these very rich people and corporations will have been worth it.

Tom Moran wants to be New Jersey's Donald Trump

Tom Moran runs the editorial section of the Star-Ledger, a small piece of the multi-billion dollar corporate empire that includes Discovery Communications, the company whose lobbyists ensured that they make money off the implementation of Common Core.  Yes, that's the difference between the rich and the rest of us.  We pay money to the government .  The rich pay lobbyists to harness the government so that it pays money to them.  That's who Tom Moran works for.  And that's why he always supports making us pay more taxes to government.

As the chief spokesperson for two of America's richest men, Tom Moran has watched as his newspaper screwed its unionized workers -- replacing them with cheap, out-sourced labor, and part-timers.  Moran's prescriptions come right from the hip, the better to avoid all that messy reasoning, and with the force of a petulant child.

Moran plays the liberal -- to salve the knowledge that he, in fact, speaks for the richest 1% of the 1 percent.  But try as he will, that self-awareness keeps breaking through, which leaves him a touchy, nasty sort.  Disagree with him and he'll write that you are "insane."  Tell him he's mistaken and he'll come back at you with the accusation that you want to kill people.  It's wild stuff, and a bit hypocritical, when you consider all the lives of workers Moran has watched destroyed, silent, so long as he kept getting his.

For years and years, property held by his rich masters benefited from the subsidy redistributed from the working poor in rural and suburban New Jersey.  Disagree with that subsidy and you would be called a "racist."  That's cute, coming from two old, rich white guys.  Moran wrote, and as he wrote, New Jersey has gotten poorer and poorer.  Is there a worst state in America to grow a business, find a job, keep a roof over your family's head, or see that your children don't go hungry?

His latest prescription is to raise taxes on this already over-taxed state -- without any accompanying tax cuts.  On top of a high income tax, the sales tax, and the highest property taxes in America, Tom Moran wants to see higher taxes on workers who commute and a special tax on those high earners who haven't yet been convinced to move outside the state.  The workers -- many underwater with a mortgage or who need the support of an extended family -- they'll have to just take it, because they're too poor to move.  As for the rich.  Well, money spends well everywhere.  Moran should ask the guys he works for and they'll tell him.  Rich people always find a better deal.

And when enough rich people move you will begin to see shortfalls in income tax collections.  Taxes on spending will suffer too -- and then there goes your safety net.  At a time of high unemployment and growing dependency, New Jersey needs high earners to provide the life support that others depend on. 

There is no loyalty to the state of New Jersey in the way there is to the nation of the United States.  Even top members of the political class who structured the high-tax, low-job creation, corporate crony playground that New Jersey is, bolt to low-tax states when they get the chance -- and their pension checks and spending follows them.  Case in point:  Former Democrat Speaker Joe Roberts (D-Norcross).

According to figures provided by the Internal Revenue Service (that's President Barack Obama's IRS) over the last ten years those leaving New Jersey have taken $19 billion more income away with them than the those moving into New Jersey have brought with them.  This is called net outflow -- and a $19 billion net outflow allowed to grow at the same rate, year by year, will in time kill New Jersey's ability to fund a safety net.  Then who will be left to tax?  People who can't afford it, that's who.

Tom Moran can trot out as many career government bureaucrats or career Wall Street bankers as he wants.  It won't lessen the pain of the screwing they're preparing for the people of New Jersey.