Democrats push Tax Hikes & Spending, trash 2nd Amendment

by Bill Collier

Listening to Josh Gottheimer's ally and friend, Governor Murphy, speak in Trenton yesterday about his grandiose plans to tax our way to prosperity, as if that ever works,  one wonders how any moderate Democrat wouldn’t denounce such radical, out of touch ideas.

In a nutshell, Governor Murphy says yes to more taxes and regulations, massive spending, and more nanny state interference in our lives. As if New Jersey's taxpayers aren’t already paying more than enough and getting little value in return. Of course, the radical “progressive” agenda proclaimed by Murphy has not a moderate thread, something that SHOULD alarm Gottheimer but clearly doesn’t.

Murphy wants to change the temperature of the planet somehow by taxing and regulating you into poverty. He doesn’t want offshore drilling, conjuring images of disaster. He even wants to tell neighboring states not to do fracking. He is against energy independence, he thinks he can control the planet’s climate, and he is thumbing his nose at our neighbors.

He is also against the Bill of Rights, well, at least the second amendment. Like every tinhorn tyrant and milquetoast bureaucrat, he is afraid of average people having and exercising their God-given right to self-defense. He would prefer to disarm us so, if we face a threat, we can call 911 and die.

So, he is against the Bill of Rights (because if you oppose one, you oppose them all) and he is against energy independence. He is against you spending your own money. But he is for lining the pockets of the bureaucracy, who get paid to run the many programs he imagines we need to save us, and who will also benefit from his mad effort to change the global temperature.

And where is his pal, Gottheimer? Gottheimer is in the corner, pretending he is NONE OF THAT CRAZY. But he is. He is all about everything Murphy, Clinton, and Nancy Pelosi are about. As he pretends to be a “problem solver”, perhaps he could burnish his credentials and denounce the radical nonsense his friend and ally Governor Murphy dumped on New Jersey in yesterday's speech!