Why is BridgeGate's Wildstein pushing John McCann?

By Rubashov

David Wildstein, the mastermind behind the BridgeGate scandal that ended the presidential dreams of Governor Chris Christie, is back to blogging again.  Before joining the Christie administration as a political appointee, Wildstein was part of the "Christie Project" headed by Bill Palatucci.  Writing under the name "Wally Edge" it was Wildstein who helped eliminate potential Republican threats to what became eight years of Christie hegemony.

Palatucci is the most interesting and powerful behind-the-scenes GOP operator in New Jersey, and while not quite in the league of behind-the-scenes Democrat operator George Norcross, in this post-Christie environment he is increasingly making his presence known.  Close observers have never been entirely convinced that Palatucci served as a mere satellite of the former Governor.  Recall that it was Palatucci who picked up Christie after his first fall from grace, when he was ousted as a Morris County freeholder.

Yes, it was Palatucci who dusted off Christie and guided him on a new path.  It was Palatucci's contacts with the Bush dynasty that gave Christie a place on George W.'s campaign -- from which he gained a place in George W.'s administration, as the United States Attorney for the District of New Jersey.

Is Bob Hugin the next Palatucci invention?  Is this year's United States Senate race a first step on the road back to the Governor's office?  Do not underestimate a gifted operator like Bill Palatucci.  Like the best in his profession, he sees into the mist.  Someone should write a book about this fascinating man.

So are they putting the band back together?

Wally on blogs... Bob the front man... Bill setting the tune?

And if so, who will need eliminating?  Now sit back and observe who is being blocked and who is being promoted and all will become clear.

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This is Rubashov.  Peace, brothers and sisters...