One Giant Step That the President Can Take to Make America Great Again

by RW

President Trump.jpg

President Trump is a New York City street hustler that somehow found his way to the presidency.

Having no principled foundational direction, by which he wanted to run his presidency after elected, he surrounded himself at the White House with establishment players who stabbed him in the back at every turn.

His recent pardons appear to be a combination of getting close friends out of hot water or correcting a misjustice fallen upon friends who found themselves on the wrong side of legal assaults because of being associated with him.

The only others that have been pardoned in the last couple of days are the few others that appear to have individuals in their circle with strong connections to Trump and those individuals are close enough to Trump to call in a favor.

But as the dark days of winter approach, if the President wants to take a deep step toward making American great again in a very significant way, he should pardon anyone who is in federal prison, or awaiting trial, for a drug-related charge.

Trump didn't end any wars overseas he merely lowered some troop counts. He has a chance to end the drug war.

The war on drugs, a favorite of the establishment, it could be argued is even a more vicious war than current overseas wars. By far, many more Americans are imprisoned because of the drug war, here in America, than the number of Americans captured and currently held overseas because of U.S. overseas military activity.

The Federal Bureau of Prisons reports that 46.3% of federal prisoners are in prison for drug offenses.

Trump should pardon them all and declare the war on drugs over. And he should do what he can to immediately shut down the activities of any agencies that are part of this ongoing vicious war that is nothing but an attack on the way individuals choose to live their lives.

Making America great again is about returning freedom to Americans. Trump has the power to take a significant step in this direction by freeing prisoners held on drug charges and doing what he can to shut down the drug war.

If he did this, it would make President Trump one of the most significant presidents of all time.

He would be a president that defied the establishment and moved the country away from a horrific domestic war that only damaged Americans.

No other president has reversed such an oppressive program. If Trump does it, it would make him unique---and a great president.

Will they pull down JFK’s statues too?

Remember John Fitzgerald Kennedy?  He was the Senator from Massachusetts when he ran for President in 1960, took on Vice President Richard Nixon, and won.  Check out this election advertisement from that campaign:

Did you get that appeal to Southern White Voters?

Yes, that’s a representation of a rebel flag made up of Kennedy buttons at the 53 seconds mark.

Kennedy needed Democrat states in the South to win what was one of the closest presidential contests in American history.  He went on to win North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Texas – 49 percent of the vote and an electoral college majority.

Kennedy wasn’t the last Democrat to use such an appeal to Southern voters…


Take a look at that red MAGA-style cap.  Hillary had them before Donald!

We wonder how long it will take the new Democratic Socialist wing of the Democrats to get around to purging all mention of these folks too?  They will.  At some point in the future they will consider it non-PC to mention any but them.

Tucker Carlson: Do Republicans know who their base is?

Tucker Carlson had author J.D. Vance on last evening…

Closer to home, New Jersey Republicans are searching for a winning message with which to build a defensive wall around their remaining legislative districts – and as a springboard for taking back some of what has been lost. While those professionals with experience running campaigns appear to be no closer to coming up with an umbrella message under which they can unify the party, activists like John Robert Carman of the New Jersey Constitutional Republicans (NJCR), are taking a stab at it…

John Robert Carman writes:

Recently, I had the pleasure of meeting with NJGOP Chairman Doug Steinhart, NJGOP Executive Director, Therese Winegar and GOP State Director, Ron Filan. I shared with them the 5 Point Plan the New Jersey Constitutional Republicans could help initiate with NJGOP to lead Republicans, “On to Victory” in New Jersey.

The 5-Point Plan consists of Point 1: Restoration- The historical circumstances that existed in the 1850’s leading to Civil War are uncannily like our present situation in NJ, and the nation. As Lincoln restored the initial principles of the Declaration of Independence being, the equality of all mankind before the law; natural rights (life, liberty & the environment from which to pursuit happiness); protecting the right of each person to own and keep property and the legitimacy of government by consent of the people.

Lincoln incorporated the necessity of preserving the Constitution in protecting the principles of the Declaration of Independence and thereby, assuring the preservation of our Union which is precisely what is needed in our fractured state and nation today. In restoring these initial Republican principles, we return to the solid foundation of our founding documents and incorporate these ideals and values into every sphere of public policy. Republican voters and those who want to vote Republican are looking for a distinct contrast from the Democrats in philosophy and ideology. A return to initial Republican principles will clearly demonstrate the difference and strengthen our Party.

Point 2: Education-The Key to Republican Resurgence in NJ! This is NJCR’s forte and encompasses many areas of study that positively starts with history; knowing the founding documents and the spirit of their intent. Educating citizens on constitutional republican government, limited government and the proper role of representative government. Educating citizens on the initial values of the Republican Party; equality under law; liberty and justice for all, due process, and individual accountability and responsibility. Educating our citizens on the necessity of civics and the forgotten , yet indispensable role the citizens plays in forming fair and just public policy. Educating citizens on the Laws of Nature and Natures’ God which are perpetual and remain constant throughout time and place. Educating also includes the negative impact progressivism and marxism and their significant role in marginalizing our constitutional republic leading to the great dilemma and division in our state and nation today. NJCR looks to participate with NJGOP in offering educational presentations throughout the state with County GOP organizations and Young Republican organizations that equip our citizens with the knowledge and encouragement they will need to enthusiastically nurture Republican voters and assure Republican representation at the local, state and national stages.

Point 3: Preservation: The Republican Party is the last, best hope for the preservation of the principles of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution protecting those principles. Republicans are the only entity standing between a tyrannical mobocracy and the natural rights of individual liberty and justice the Constitution assures. The Democrats are determined to eliminate the principles of the DOI and the Constitution. Republicans must proclaim the message that we are the sole defenders of our Constitution and the only Party with the desire, ability and facility to protect it.

Point 4: Participation: Self Governance. Having people actively engaged with public policy and making their voices heard in the legislative process. Establishing relationships with their elected representatives, holding them accountable to securing the rights of all citizens they represent, not just those who vote for them, calling them, meeting them, writing them, emailing them. Mobilizing blast calls and immediate calls to action when potential legislation is brought to the State House floor for a vote. Encouraging a consistent dialogue with representatives and our responsibility as leaders of the Republican Party in equipping citizens to be successful in effectively participating in Self-Governance.

Point 5: Unification: Initially the Republican Party was made up of several parties and entities, the Whigs, the Know Nothings, Free Soilers, Union Democrats and Radical Republicans. It was a constant struggle for Lincoln to maintain the unity amongst these factions to abolish slavery; preserve the Union and win the Civil War. Today we must Incorporate all the factions that share our initial values which NJGOP has begun with Grassroots21 initiatives along with the necessity of incorporating fiscal and social conservatives; 2nd Amendment Defenders; Tea Partiers; Right to Lifers; Constitutionalist; MAGA’s; Independents; Unaffiliated, and Blue Dog Democrats all into one unified Republican Party. Give candidates that may come from these factions an opportunity to battle it out in primaries and give them all a sense of ownership within the Party and the belief they can win as Republicans. Go into urban areas and other Democratic strongholds with the initial principles of our Republican Party, promoting new, consistent and lasting relationships within the Black and Latino communities. Meet with Republicans and conservatives within these communities and empower them with all the tools, education and support they would need to reach their communities. This 5 Point Plan can work but only with the participation of thousands of like minded citizens determined to restore Republican principles and values; teaching truth and justice; preserving our constitution and our constitutional republic; participating in public policy making and unifying freedom and liberty motivated citizens all determined to reinstate our sovereignty, We the Peoples sovereignty within government in New Jersey and our nation.  

Join NJGOP and the New Jersey Constitutional Republicans today and may we march “On to Victory.”

Does this message get the job done? Is it motivational, concise, and easy to understand? Can you envision this as the basis for campaign mail, social media, broadcast, cable, and radio ads? In any case, it is a start, so be thankful for that.