Sussex County Democrats shill for anti-Semitic Leftists

Well it looks like the crazy brigade has targeted Sussex County again.  The Sussex County Democrats are planning to show up tonight at the meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Sussex County Community College in support of four members of Congress who not only have sponsored the socialist Green New Deal, but who have embraced an explicitly anti-Semitic agenda of racial and religious hatred against Jews. 

If anyone is wondering why there has been a spike in anti-Jewish incidents in Sussex County, maybe this is a place to start?

Look, most registered Democrats are good average people who have been as shocked and horrified as everyone else over what’s become of their party.  Once the party of the unionized American working class, it is now subsidized by rich, fashionable “Leftists” who want more and more illegal immigrants to fuel a gray economy that pays near-slave wages – so that American workers and legal immigrants are forced down.

Once the Democrat Party stood in solidarity with Israel – first, against National Socialism, then, against the nations that sought to wipe Israel off the face of the earth, in war, after war, after war.  Now, they openly embrace those who support the destruction of Israel. 

What is most shocking though is that the leadership of the Democrat Party of a county like Sussex should attack their neighbors – Jews and non-Jews alike – in the furtherance of the cause of racialist politicians like Rashida Harbi Tlaib and Ilhan Abdullahi Omar. 


And while Congresswoman Ilhan Abdullahi Omar (D-Minnesota) mockingly refers to Jews as “Benjamins” and claims they are a “problem”, sounding like something out of Mein Kampf, Congresswoman Rashida Harbi Tlaib (D-Michigan) holds rallies under the banners of the PLO – a terrorist group!


The question is, who do the people showing up at tonight’s meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Sussex County Community College really speak for?  Certainly not for the average Democrat in Sussex County!

The average Sussex County Democrat is not an anti-Semite.  The average Sussex County Democrat does not believe in the fantasy of the Green New Deal.

Who elected these so-called “leaders” of the Sussex County Democrat Party?  If there was a county-wide vote by every registered Democrat, we missed it.   

The people who come before the Board of Trustees of the Sussex County Community College tonight are frauds and interlopers, hand-picked by Governor Phil Murphy, who didn’t win a single town in Sussex County.  They hold fake titles granted to them by an unpopular Governor in Trenton, not by a democratic vote in Sussex County.

The Board of Trustees of the Sussex County Community College should take what they say accordingly.